Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Farewell to the New World, among other things

*sigh* It'd be only natural for anyone to get tired and bored of something once they reach a roadblock. In my case, the appeal of Granado Espada has been lost for several reasons:

1. I got addicted (and still am) to Persona 4 lol.
2. I don't have enough money to buy the items I need so that I could pass the lvl 100 barrier and continue leveling up and questing with my three main characters.
3. Seeing as this game is really expensive (well all games are but this one's really way up there) if you want to maximize your enjoyment out of it, I think I'll be staying clear from it for now.
4. My PC specs are actually crappy for this game, so I'd probably go back when I've upgraded :D

I just want to say thank you to Summerscent from the Rembrandt server who was really kind enough to help me transfer stuff from my cash cow account (that is now dry XD) to my main account. Without him/her I wouldn't have had the chance to acquire Irawan, Catherine, and Claire :D

On other news, FF XIII will be available on Dec. 17! Wish I could understand japanese though; That and a cool (albeit girly) Lightning Edition PS3 8D I've read somewhere that the english version will be out around may next year.

This game looks to be promising what with the amazing graphics and the new battle system. Though there would probably be a lot of naysayers regarding the transforming summons, which is by the way, over-the-top coolness IMO XD Plotwise, it looks like its not a disappointment like that of FF XII. I just hope that it won't be an emo-fest since there was a lot of drama on the trailers I saw. If you haven't checked them out yet, here's a link to the japanese website:

And now I leave you with an image of the first (and hopefully not the last) twelve members of the Tenebroso family :D

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